
East Sussex National Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort

Brooke Gwynne

1.    What appealed to you about joining gdb?

The first thing that appealed to me was how professional and fantastic the team were. From email reminders, messages through social channels and always being so welcoming whenever I met any of the team. It seemed like a very inviting place to be!


2.    What was the thing that surprised you about gdb?

It’s tricky when you are looking into what networking groups and events you should join onto, so I took time when joining the business to ensure I checked out multiple options before considering joining any. I can honestly say my first gdb meeting was one of the best networking events I have been to over the past year. Although the events are informal and fun, I was surprised with the structure of the event as I had quality conversations, but it didn’t feel like I was networking. It was more about utilising the time fully and building relationships with the right people in the room rather than observing the masses and having to try and speak to multiple people without time to have a quality conversation.


3.    What’s the biggest single thing you’ve got from being a member of gdb?

Not only have I built some fantastic relationships but recently at an event I was approached by the venue holding the event to discuss about potentially using our facilities if they were unable to accommodate due to being full. It’s great to know that even as a venue we can build relationships with other venues to help each other out.


4.    What difference has being a member of gdb made to your business?

Currently we are still quite new to gdb. The difference it has made is that the other members of gdb will think of us when they need a venue and know me personally to contact for questions, advice, and support.


5.    gdb puts on lots of different types of events - what’s your favourite?

My favourite event so far has been the Networking at Ease event at Wilton Park. It was extremely well organised & fun. The food was delicious, and it was great to go and see somewhere that otherwise we wouldn’t have access to.


6.     What’s different about gdb compared to other networking you do?

For me, it comes down to the fact that gdb has members that own companies with real substance and quality. The fact that you need to have a membership to be a part of it proves that firstly they wouldn’t allow people in who weren’t serious about their business, but secondly that the person joining is obviously committed and focused to gaining and giving business to others.


7.    What’s your top tip for getting the most out of networking?

My top tip for networking is to never sell to anybody at a networking event. It’s always about building relationships, trust, being a nice person and listening to what others have to say as much as them listening to you.


8.    Besides the events, what else do you get out of your gdb membership?

The support from the team is second to none. To know that you have them to go to if you need something is worth a lot! We are also hoping to invite the gdb community to East Sussex National in 2024 which will be a fantastic opportunity to meet our wonderful team and check out our fantastic venue.

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