Making and Maintaining Sales
Sussex Innovation will be bringing you weekly webinars on a variety of subjects that are designed to help support you and your business during this difficult time. These events are being run in collaboration with Gatwick Diamond Business.
The fourth WFH Webinar in the series, will be led by Simon Chuter in conversation with Mo Kanjilal from Kiss the Fish. It will focus on making and maintaining sales during this challenging time.
Simon Chuter is an Innovation Advisor and Student Enterprise Manager at Sussex Innovation. He has run his own agency and worked in sales and marketing roles for over 20 years.
Mo Kanjilal is a Sales Director at Kiss The Fish, providing part-time Sales Directors and sales training to companies who want to scale and grow, Mo has led sales teams in a variety of companies from FTSE corporations to small to medium businesses and specialises in turning around sales performance for growth.
In the conversation Simon & Mo will cover strategies to lead your sales team through the unknown and what you can do during this time to plan your sales strategy, just as soon as you are able to stop firefighting
Date: Wednesday 29th April
• 12.50pm - Grab some lunch and settle down!
• 1.00pm - Welcome and introductions (Simon)
• 1.05pm - Simon & Mo in conversation about making and maintaining sales during this challenging time
• 1.30pm - Q&A
• 2.00pm - Goodbyes
To Register for this Webinar CLICK HERE