
Crawley Growth Programme | Eastern and Station Gateways Public Exhibitions

The Crawley Growth Programme is a £60 million package which will provide jobs, business space and homes. As part of this programme, West Sussex County Council is holding a number of public drop-in sessions to explain proposals to improve the public space and connectivity to Crawley Town Centre. The works will soften the landscape and reduce the usage of the car, creating an improved environment and supporting surrounding key development opportunities.

The two "Gateway" projects aim to improve pedestrian, cycling and bus access and facilities and create better connectivity between the railway and bus stations.The Eastern Gateway scheme includes improvements to public space and connectivity to support key development opportunities at the Town Hall, County Buildings, Telford Place and Crawley College and includes the public areas in the eastern half of The Boulevard, Exchange Road, the southern end of Northgate Avenue, College Road including the roundabout, and Southgate Avenue, up to and including the junction with Station Way. 

The Station Gateway Scheme extends from Friary Way, along Station Way, connecting with Southgate Avenue. Its aims include improving the connectivity between an improved and re-developed rail station, the bus station and improved town centre facilities, incorporating a dedicated left-turn for buses from Friary Way to Station Way and improvement in bus waiting facilities.

The Crawley Growth Programme is being delivered by a major partnership of public and private organisations, including the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership, West Sussex County Council, Crawley Borough Council, Metrobus, Gatwick Airport Limited, Manor Royal Business Improvement District (BID) Company. The Gateways projects are also being delivered in partnership with the Arora group and Network Rail.

Louise Goldsmith, Leader of West Sussex County Council, said: "We have identified that the county needs significant investment in new infrastructure to help stimulate economic growth and Crawley is a key growth location.

"These innovative and exciting proposals aim to have a positive impact on public areas in the town by improving connectivity. I urge people to go along to one of the exhibitions and see for themselves what's being proposed."

Crawley Borough Council Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, Councillor Peter Smith, said: "I am delighted that proposals for the regeneration of the Eastern Gateway and Station Gateway have been released.

"The Eastern Gateway is an incredibly busy area of the town and these proposals will not only improve accessibility, but enhance the overall look and feel of the area, attracting more investment into the town. In addition, the Station Gateway improvements will provide a better welcome into the town from Crawley train station I look forward to hearing what residents have to say about the proposals."

Jonathan Sharrock, Chief Executive at Coast to Capital, said: "This series of exhibitions is a fantastic way for the general public to gain insight of the extensive work which has gone into developing an innovative vision for the future success of Crawley. A tremendous effort has been made by partners to improve the infrastructure of the area which will unlock future prosperity."

We value your views on these proposals and invite you to attend one of our public drop-in sessions on the following dates:
Wednesday 6 June 2018
Crawley College, 9.30am-1.30pm
Tuesday 12 June 2018
Crawley Town Hall, 1pm-5pm
Thursday 14 June 2018
County Mall, 2pm-8pm
Saturday 16 June 2018
Crawley Library, 11am-2pm






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