The Gatwick based company Avtura Limited have been contacted by Menzies Aviation, a global aviation logistics specialist to use its pioneering D-ICE™ de-icing management solution across all European deicing operations.
The system will be deployed across 23 Menzies stations from the beginning of the 2019/2020 winter season and will be installed in 100 deicing rigs. The new technology is expected to boost deicing operational efficiency, benefiting airline on-time performance in adverse weather conditions.
Menzies Aviation will be deploying 2 key elements of the D-ICE™ System:
- D-ICE™ Rig Manager: A mobile solution for rig crew, central administration & operations to electronically manage the request, delivery and completion of all deicing operations in real-time.
- D-ICE™ Fluid Manager: A mobile solution which electronically monitors, manages and re-orders deicing fluid stock levels at each airport location, giving supervisors at a local, regional and group level real-time decision-making capabilities around deicing fluid provision and delivery.
The contract means that Menzies will become the biggest single user of the system in Europe.
Giles Wilson, Chief Executive Officer, Menzies Aviation said: "Avtura is a results-focused solutions provider who solve real business problems. The software is completely intuitive, easy to use and guides each user through the same safe and repeatable process. It also collects invaluable information which as a business, we have previously not been able to record. The application also provides us with an additional level of safety management, providing guidance to ensure that correct processes are used during each operation."
Christopher Meeking, CEO of Avtura Limited said: "With greater competition amongst ground handlers and increased costs, managing the de-icing process efficiently and effectively is critical. Every minute counts; every minute costs.
"We are very excited to be working with such a dynamic and forward-thinking ground handler as Menzies Aviation and to further developing our relationship in the long term."