
Success for gdb Members The Missing Piece Company

The Missing Piece, Mark and Adele, have been working with four amazing companies at two ends of the globe. All have recently announced success. The businesses are wildly different a Social NGO working with communities to ensure kids and parents can have a better life by supplying a simple water carrying device, an IT security company, a Fertility company and a Beer technology company.

The social NGO, Hippo Roller, https://www.hipporoller.org, is launching an investment campaign which will open up markets and access for companies. Hippo Roller has already shipped to 48 countries and helped over 500,000 people change their lives; Mobius Consulting, https://mobiusconsulting.co.za, assesses the risk of working with third parties and is expanding from its Cape Town base to London; The Agora, http://www.agoraclinic.co.uk, is bringing the opportunity to have a family for all in all walks of life; and Rotech https://rotechkeg.co.uk has just won the Queens Award for export supplying 65 countries, and probably 70% of the worlds largest beer producers, with a technology that ensures you and I enjoy the beer we drink.

What have all these companies have in common? They all have a core skill and a focus on their product. They know what they do best.  They needed to secure capabilities which are not part of their core skills.

What made them successful is focusing on what they do well. Letting go of what was blocking them and realising that they needed to fill a missing piece, that required new skills, processes, mindset and resources. 

In October The Missing Piece is offering the opportunity to share our experience and stories in a workshop session. 

If this is of interest contact us at mark@themissingpiececompany.com 07852268522


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