
Flexibility Working Webex

Flexibility Matters would like to invite you to join our Flexible Working Webex on April 3rd, between 10-12 midday.:

Flexibility Matters, Pfizer and Thales, in association with the FSCS, NHS Directorate, Mumbelievable, and the Light Bulb Tree invite you to the 2nd Action Learning Group on Flexible and Remote Working in Challenging Times

Topics to expect: How to work remotely, technology, trust, focus, closed schools/kids, delivery, working environment, mental health and well being, being ill, teamwork.

An agenda will follow nearer the date to reflect the developments of Coronavirus and the UK response

Dagmar Albers at Pfizer invites you to an online training session using WebEx.

Session Number: 645 260 818

Session Password: JhDB3BNhJ64

To join the training session

1. Go to https://collaborate.webex.com/collaborate/k2/j.php?MTID=t53bc19cb4262788347e8934c84c3991c

2. Enter your name and email address.

3. Enter the session password: JhDB3BNhJ64

4. Click "Join Now".

5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Keep well and I look forward to meeting you virtually on the Webex


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