
gdb Member Rachel Benson from WorkAid Aldingbourne Trust is running 140 Kilometers for 10 weeks in support of Run4SupportedEmployment!

We all know that finding employment isn't easy, let alone finding a job when you need to overcome some extra hurdles. Adults with learning disabilities and/or autism are incredible people; they show creativity to find role which match their skillset and can bring a wealth of talent to any organisation. 
WorkAid is a vital service within the community- we cover the whole of West Sussex and we support individuals to seek, apply, and sustain meaningful employment to help them change their lives and be fully part of their local communities. Our approach is centred around the people we support along with supporting employers to see the huge potential and value that individuals can bring to their organisations.
To highlight the extra mile that people with learning disabilities and/or autism spectrum conditions go to find employment, Rachel has set herself the challenge of running 140 Kilometres in 10 weeks, which started from Monday 1st July 2019. This is the equivalent distance of running from the Aldingbourne Country Centre in Fontwell, to our Burgess Hill office via our Worthing office.. and all the way back. 

Please sponsor Rachel to help the Aldingbourne Trust continue the invaluable work it does to empower people to change their lives.


Follow Rachel on Instagram for regular updates along the journey @run4supportedemployment


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