An update from Southern Water
We are taking a fresh look at our future direction and want to hear your views to help develop a shared, long-term vision for the South East.
As well as making sure we get the basics right, we want you to help us explore how we can add real value to the region in the future.
Our business is changing and we need to respond to the needs of our customers, local communities, stakeholders and regulators. This means asking the right questions, listening to the responses and taking action.
Our customer research identified a number of priorities which we have tested with stakeholders in our panels and workshops. We want to widen the conversation to help us define our future priorities and plan how we deliver our services now and in the future.
To find out more about our plans for the future, and to have your say, follow the link.
We would welcome your comments by 30 June although there will be more opportunities share your views. We will use the information you provide to shape our 25 year strategy which will set out our ambitions for the future.
We plan to publish this in the autumn, followed by the publication of our draft Business Plan for 2020-25 in early 2018. We are keen to hear your thoughts throughout the process.