
Martin Searle Solicitors Launch their Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination Campaign 'Mind the Bump 2019'

Free Legal Advice for Employees and Employers on Pregnancy and Maternity Rights At Work

Martin Searle Solicitors' are launching their yearly campaign to stamp out pregnancy and maternity discrimination at work.

This includes a free 30-minute telephone advice service for employers and employees concerned about the workplace rights of pregnant women and women on maternity leave.

Martin Searle Solicitors have campaigned to stamp out pregnancy and maternity discrimination in the workplace since starting their firm in 2004.

Fiona Martin, Director and Head of Employment Law, says: "Pregnancy and maternity discrimination is still the most common form of sex discrimination in the workplace.

It is important that we continue to educate and support employers while advising employees of their rights, to shift cultural attitudes at work and stamp out pregnancy and maternity discrimination once and for all."

Fiona continues: "The most common scenario is when a woman tries to return from maternity leave and finds out that her job has 'disappeared'. We help women raise grievances and negotiate compensation through Settlement Agreements, to avoid lengthy, stressful and expensive Tribunal claims."

International Women's Day on 8 March 2019 has a campaigning theme - #BalanceforBetter - which stresses that "Collective action and shared responsibility for driving a gender-balanced world is key."

Fiona says 'Where there is gender balance, we would expect to see pregnancy and maternity discrimination in the workplace eradicated. We need to cultivate a healthy workplace culture in the UK where taking time off to have children is not seen as a lack of commitment.'

To support their campaign, Martin Searle Solicitors have produced a series of factsheets, case studies and FAQs for employers and employees covering basic pregnancy and maternity rights in the workplace, returning to work after maternity, as well as avoiding pregnancy discrimination in a redundancy process. For more details visit www.ms-solicitors.co.uk

For free and confidential advice, employers and employees can call Martin Searle Solicitors' pregnancy and maternity legal helpline on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout March from 4pm to 6pm on 01273 609911, or email info@ms-solicitors.co.uk.


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