Flexibility Matters specialises in flexible working and as a business we have, over the past 6 years actively promoted that businesses change and adapt the way they expect their workforces to work. The coronavirus has suddenly forced our entire world to embrace working remotely and from home. For some, with large teams (and not so large!) spread round the country, this has come as a huge shock as traditional working practices and presenteeism really doesn't work in this disrupted world.
On our recent WebEx, Dagmar Albers, Diversity and Inclusion lead at Pfizer and Anne Tickner Head of HR AVS Operations at Thales, both explained how their businesses have both embraced working remotely, Dagmar talked about their #InItTogether culture, an SMT leadership team who are involved and leading by example and are very clear that these are exceptional times and certainly not business as usual. Managers communicate regularly via townhalls or personalized videos Anne talked similarly about team charters, trust and work life blend and that strategies implemented over the years are coming to fruition in these tricky times. Not to mention both corporates working in industry consortia to battle the virus. Inspirational words from both in challenging times
My worry is that we will just return to 'the old normal'! At FM we will continue to challenge business leaders to embrace fluid and agile workforces and recruit candidates who really can work anywhere. With leadership, clear objectives, communication, technology and trust, businesses will become more productive, dynamic and empowered. Their teams will super achieve!
Ursula Tavender and Liese Lord presented their guides on how to work remotely in these challenging times. Blaire Palmer supported their vision with a practical session on how to work from home whilst home schooling which, let's face it is a massive challenge. I love her idea of 'unschooling' See the guides and links to Blaire's work here www.flexibilitymatters/news
To echo David Blackburn at the FSCS who believes that every job can be made flexible, it is all about 'progress not perfection'. Particularly at the moment we can't get everything right instantaneously, try and if it doesn't work - try something different! Every job can and is being done flexibly and remotely now, sadly many will be furloughed or may lose their jobs, but let's not revert to old style working the moment the coronavirus is under control.
At Flexibility Matters we are here to resource your business when the storm passes
Keep well.