CAA: Reviewing airspace classification The CAA is seeking views on the procedure it proposes to adopt for amending the classification of airspace, reflecting the CAA's airspace functions, government policy and best practice decision-making. Closing date: 17/09/2020. https://consultations.caa.co.uk/policy-development/draft-procedure-to-review-airspaceclassification/?mc_cid=c2da5f3bf1&mc_eid=f9727b8f0d
APPG Inquiry: APPG launches inquiry into Building Aviation Back Better Closing date: 14/09/2020 https://www.appgheathrowexpansion.com/inquiries
Network Rail: Unblocking the Croydon bottleneck Consultation on major proposals to unblock the Croydon bottleneck to provide Brighton Main Line passengers with more reliable, more frequent and faster services, and to provide the capacity needed for future growth Closing date: 20/09/2020 https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-routes/sussex/upgrading-thebrighton-main-line/unblocking-the-croydon-bottleneck/
CAA Consultation: Policy for ADR applicants and approved ADR entities Closing date: 25/09/2020 https://consultations.caa.co.uk/cmg/policy-for-adr-applicants-and-entities/
Climate and Ecology Bill 2019-21 Private Members' Bill (Presentation Bill) - 02/09/20 https://services.parliament.uk/Bills/2019-21/climateandecology.html (NB This Bill is being prepared for publication)
The contribution of global aviation to anthropogenic climate forcing for 2000 to 2018 Science Direct 03/09/2020 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231020305689
Coronavirus (COVID-19): travel corridors DfT Guidance - updated 29/08/2020 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-travel-corridors
Tangled Wings: Living With A Runway On My Doorstep (2020 Edition) AEF - 27/08/2020 https://www.aef.org.uk/2020/08/27/tangled-wings-living-with-a-runway-on-my-doorstep2020-edition/
Government 'overseeing the demise of UK aviation' BBC 03/09/20 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-54004169
Gatwick airport expects up to five-year wait for air travel demand to recover ITV - 28/08/2020 https://www.itv.com/news/london/2020-08-28/gatwick-airport-expects-up-to-five-year-waitfor-air-travel-demand-to-recover
Coronavirus: Gatwick passenger numbers collapse by 14.7 million BBC - 28/08/2020 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53943734
Gatwick airport hit by £343m loss as passenger numbers fall The Guardian 28/08/20 https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/aug/28/gatwick-airport-hit-by-343m-loss-aspassenger-numbers-fall-covid-19
100+ MPs urge chancellor to extend furlough scheme for aviation Travel Weekly - 28/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384377/100-mps-urge-chancellor-to-extendfurlough-scheme-for-aviation
Coronavirus: Airlines call for US-UK 'testing trial' to resume more international flights Sky News 03/09/20 https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-airlines-call-for-us-uk-testing-trial-to-resume-moreinternational-flights-12062875
Analysis: The changing face of aviation BTN - 01/09/2020 https://www.businesstravelnewseurope.com/Air-Travel/Analysis-The-changing-face-ofaviation?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=eltrbtneurope
Covid fears grow after reports of crowding among arrivals at UK airports The Guardian - 02/09/2020 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/02/covid-fears-grow-after-reports-ofcrowding-among-arrivals-at-uk-airports
Gatwick Airport plans to cut 600 jobs due to coronavirus CILT - 02/09/2020 https://ciltuk.org.uk/News/Latest-News/ArtMID/6887/ArticleID/31036/Gatwick-Airport-plansto-cut-600-jobs-due-to-coronavirus
Virgin Atlantic facility at Gatwick to be converted for logistics Handling Storage Solutions 24/08/20 https://www.hsssearch.co.uk/Virgin-Gatwick-converted-for-logistics
BA refutes union claims of jobs discrimination at Gatwick Travel Weekly - 27/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384215/ba-refutes-union-claims-of-jobsdiscrimination-at-gatwick
Wizz Air plots Gatwick growth despite Covid-19 quarantine rollercoaster City AM - 25/08/2020 https://www.cityam.com/wizz-air-plots-gatwick-growth-despite-covid-quarantinerollercoaster/
Wizz Air Sets Sights on 20-Jet Gatwick Base as Rivals Retreat Bloomberg 24/08/20 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-25/wizz-air-sets-sights-on-20-jetgatwick-base-as-rivals-retreat?fbclid=IwAR1_Ow5Vktr_BBld1mim5N3WPZ6Eyf34wYJn2sxkLKwBzHwWe3yZs2PSN4
Gatwick Airport puts £180m Pier 6 job on hold Construction Enquirer - 28/08/20 https://www.constructionenquirer.com/2020/08/28/garwick-puts-pier-6-expansion-on-hold/
Extinction Rebellion protests across Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex include Mad Hatter's tea party at Gatwick Get Surrey 29/08/20 https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/gallery/extinction-rebellion-protests-acrosssurrey-18849922
Gatwick publishes half yearly results, as airport takes further steps to protect its future resilience against the economic impact of COVID-19 Gatwick Press Release 28/08/2020
• Encouraging start to the year heavily impacted by significant drop in passenger numbers due to COVID-19
• Swift action taken to reduce operational costs and capital expenditure whilst the airport remained open throughout the pandemic
• Focus on safety and wellbeing of passengers and staff remains a priority
• Restructuring sets foundation for business to be in best place for recovery and future growth …
Click here to see full press release
Click here to see presentation to investors
Click here to see the Financial Report & Statements
Gatwick announces significant companywide restructure plans
Gatwick Press Release 26/08/2020
Gatwick has today announced plans for a significant restructure across its business designed to further reduce operating and staff costs in light of the dramatic impact COVID-19 has had on its passenger and air traffic numbers. The proposed organisation redesign will reshape the company so it is best placed to respond quickly to future growth.
The new proposals could result in the region of 600 job roles being removed from across the business, which is approximately 24% of the current number of employees. The company will now enter into a formal consultation process with employees... Click here to see full press release.
Airspace Office Quarterly Report This report covers the period 1st April - 30th June 2020 and contains detailed data on aircraft activity at Gatwick including the adherence to the noise mitigation measures detailed in the UK AIP, a report on night flying during the period, and an analysis of noise complaints received during the period - Click here to see.
Airspace Blog Update - 01/09/20
Departure Route 4 - Click here to see the latest update on Route 4 2012 Airspace Change Post Implementation Review Decision and Route 4 2018 Airspace Change.
Climate emergency bill offers real hope The Guardian 02/09/20 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/sep/02/climate-emergency-bill-offers-realhope
Zero-emission electric planes are the future of transatlantic air travel GQ - 30/08/2020 https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/lifestyle/article/electric-plane
Hydrogen infrastructure: the key to successful sustainable aviation Hydrogen Fuel News - 10/08/2020 https://www.hydrogenfuelnews.com/hydrogen-infrastructure-the-key-to-successfulsustainable-aviation/8540324/
Fresh air, no sound? Singapore scientists test 'anti-noise' windows Reuters - 30/07/2020 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-singapore-tech-noise-trfn/fresh-air-no-sound-singaporescientists-test-anti-noise-windows-idUSKCN24V18X
'Devastation': how aviation industry's Covid crisis is hitting towns across UK The Guardian - 24/08/2020 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/aug/24/devastation-how-aviation-industryscovid-crisis-is-hitting-towns-across-uk
80 MPs write to prime minister calling for airport testing Travel Weekly - 25/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/383955/80-mps-write-to-prime-minister-calling-forairport-testing
IATA: Air industry 'largely paralysed' but July demand a bit better than June BTN Europe 02/09/20 https://www.businesstravelnewseurope.com/Air-Travel/IATA-Air-industry-largely-paralysedbut-July-demand-a-bit-better-thanJune?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=eltrbtneurope
IATA appeals for consistency across airports Travel Weekly - 28/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384439/iata-appeals-for-consistency-across-airports
Governments 'need to do better' to restart travel, says IATA Travel Weekly - 01/09/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384661/governments-need-to-do-better-to-restarttravel-says-iata
ACI analysis shows vanishing traffic, collapsing revenues, and rising risk ACI - 31/08/2020 https://aci.aero/news/2020/08/31/aci-analysis-shows-vanishing-traffic-collapsing-revenuesand-rising-risk/
Air arrivals down 89% in July compared to same time last year Metro - 27/08/2020 https://metro.co.uk/2020/08/27/air-arrivals-89-july-compared-time-last-year-13185143/
ACI World data shows COVID-19's dramatic effect on international air traffic ACI - 28/08/2020 https://aci.aero/news/2020/08/28/aci-world-data-shows-covid-19s-dramatic-effect-oninternational-air-traffic/
Norwegian: Government loan not enough to cover losses BTN - 28/08/2020 https://www.businesstravelnewseurope.com/Air-Travel/Norwegian-Government-loan-notenough-to-coverlosses?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=eltrbtneurope
ABTA 'focused on results not on making a noise' Travel Weekly - 01/09/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384566/abta-focused-on-results-not-on-making-anoise
ABTA chief: 'I hope we can move from whole country advice to regional advice' Travel Weekly - 26/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384003/abta-chief-i-hope-we-can-move-fromwhole-country-advice-to-regional-advice
ABTA warns of 90,000 job losses as it renews 'save future travel' plea Travel Weekly - 24/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/383709/abta-warns-of-90000-job-losses-as-itrenews-save-future-travel-plea
Quarantine dismay hastens calls for testing Travel Weekly - 02/09/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384678/quarantine-dismay-hastens-calls-for-testing
ACI World launches mobile app for global COVID-19 health measures International Airport Review - 20/08/2020 https://www.internationalairportreview.com/news/124766/aci-world-mobile-app-covid-19measures/
New Airport Service Quality Award Introduced In Response To COVID-19 ACI - 02/09/2020 http://www.publicnow.com/view/789B13897D2DF1639DA8CC8C7DFA718CD7916A87?15990 49035
A-Z of COVID-19 Ratings: Skytrax COVID-19 Airport Ratings evaluate the standards and effectiveness of hygiene processes and other preventative measures in place at airports to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus https://skytraxratings.com/index-of-covid-19-airport-ratings
'Limited prospects' of imminent changes to quarantine approach Travel Weekly - 26/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/383994/limited-prospects-of-imminent-changes-toquarantine-approach
Renewed plea for aviation sector aid as creditors back Virgin Atlantic rescue Travel Weekly - 26/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384016/renewed-plea-for-aviation-sector-aid-ascreditors-back-virgin-atlantic-rescue
Uber secures safe airport surface access during COVID-19 International Airport Review - 21/08/2020 https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/122621/safety-standards-airport-surfaceaccess-uber/
Face mask warning for air passengers TravelMole - 25/08/2020 https://www.travelmole.com/news_feature.php?news_id=2044058&c=setreg®ion=2
Corporate travel faces 'bleak' winter Travel Weekly - 24/08/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/383806/corporate-travel-faces-bleak-winter
COVID-19 NATS solutions for COVID aviation recovery https://www.nats.aero/services-products/covid-19-recovery-solutions/
UK airports 'bidding' for transatlantic Aer Lingus services Travel Weekly - 02/09/2020 https://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/384717/uk-airports-bidding-for-transatlantic-aerlingus-services