
Google Page Experience and Core Vitals Webinar by Storm12 Ltd

With Google set to launch their next search algorithm, we all need to get up to speed with what we need to change.

Google's focus is going to be on user experience and how easy it is for the user to navigate your website. We've put together an informal webinar that will guide you through the process.
Make sure you don't get left behind!

During our webinar you will:
- Understand, in simple terms what the core web vital measurements are, with examples of each one.
- Learn how the core web vitals fit into Google's page experience update.
- Find out how to test your own website.
- Discover what you and your developers can do to improve your score.
- Be able to ask questions and see evaluations of attendee websites.


Date: Thursday, Jul 8, 2021

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (your local time)


Book here


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