13 is lucky, I always say! And in this edition we talk about Men's Mental Health. We explore why men don't talk about their mental health and how common mental health issues are in men. What do we expect of men - and how does this effect you/them? And how can we start to stop the stigma of men and mental ill health!
In more detail, we look at depression, stress and men's eating disorders, and there are lots of links to help groups, more information, some fabulous footage from the BBC and YouTube, and much more. If you are not male, you will certainly know one, so we hope that you will all find this information useful.
We couldn't talk about men's mental health without touching on suicide too, as the statistics talk for themselves - three quarters of suicides in the UK are men - and this is a preventable death (in most situations).
We will also look at some tips on getting through the rest of 2020!
We were delighted to fill our November MHFA Mental Health First Aider online course which is equivalent to the (in-person) Two Day MHFA course. Now covered online in four live sessions with an instructor and self-learning tasks, attached is a copy of our booking form for January 2021. BOOK IN 2020 for 2021, at 2020 prices! Our full 2020 price is £280.00pp with 2021 rising slightly to £290 pp. These 'Open' courses are fantastic if you don't have at least 8 people to take the course (minimum required for an in-house course), or if you would like to try one of our training courses.
Dates are as follows (all must be attended):
SESSION 1 Monday 18 Jan - 9.30am to 12pm
SESSION 2 Wednesday 20 Jan - 1.30pm to 4pm
SESSION 3 Monday 25 Jan - 9.30am to 12pm
SESSION 4 Wednesday 27 Jan - 1.30pm to 4pm